Module leo_passes::static_single_assignment

source ยท
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The Static Single Assignment pass traverses the AST and converts it into SSA form. See for more information. The pass also replaces DefinitionStatements with AssignmentStatements. The pass also simplifies complex expressions into a sequence of AssignStatements. For example, (a + b) * c is rewritten into $var$1 = a + b; $var$2 = $var$1 * c.

Consider the following Leo code.

function main(flag: u8, value: u8) -> u8 {
    if (flag == 0u8) {
        value += 1u8;
        return value;
    } else {
        value += 2u8;
    return value;

The SSA pass produces the following code.

function main(flag: u8, value: u8) -> u8 {
    $var$0 = flag == 0u8;
    if ($var$0) {
        $var$1 = value + 1u8;
        value$1 = $var$1;
        return value$1;
    } else {
        $var$2 = value + 2u8;
        value$2 = $var$2;
    value$3 = $var$0 ? value$1 : value$2;
    return value$3;

Note that the redundant assignments have no effect on the bytecode generated by the compiler.

