compiler_errors.rsuse crate::create_messages;
use std::{
error::Error as ErrorArg,
fmt::{Debug, Display},
code_mask: 6000i32,
code_prefix: "CMP",
file_read_error {
args: (path: impl Debug, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Cannot read from the provided file path '{path:?}': {error}"),
help: None,
illegal_static_member_assignment {
args: (member: impl Display),
msg: format!("Tried to assign to static member `{member}`"),
help: None,
import_not_found {
args: (file_path: impl Display),
msg: format!("Attempted to import a file that does not exist `{file_path}`."),
help: None,
cannot_open_cwd {
args: (err: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to open current working directory. Error: {err}"),
help: None,
program_name_should_match_file_name {
args: (program_name: impl Display, file_name: impl Display),
msg: format!("Program name `{program_name}` should match file name `{file_name}`"),
help: None,
program_scope_name_does_not_match {
args: (program_scope_name: impl Display, file_name: impl Display),
msg: format!("The program scope name `{program_scope_name}` must match `{file_name}`."),
help: None,
imported_program_not_found {
args: (main_program_name: impl Display, dependency_name: impl Display),
msg: format!("`{main_program_name}` imports `{dependency_name}.aleo`, but `{dependency_name}.aleo` is not found in program manifest. Use `leo add --help` for more information on how to add a dependency."),
help: None,
const_not_evaluated {
args: (),
msg: "The value of this const could not be determined at compile time.".to_string(),
help: None,
loop_bounds_not_evaluated {
args: (),
msg: "This loop bound could not be determined at compile time.".to_string(),
help: None,
array_index_not_evaluated {
args: (),
msg: "This array index could not be determined at compile time.".to_string(),
help: None,
const_prop_unroll_many_loops {
args: (bound: usize),
msg: format!("The const propagation and loop unrolling passes ran {bound} times without reaching a fixed point."),
help: Some("This should only happen with a pathological Leo program containing numerous nested loops or nested operations. Otherwise, this may be a bug in the Leo compiler.".to_string()),