use crate::create_messages;
use std::{
error::Error as ErrorArg,
fmt::{Debug, Display},
code_mask: 5000i32,
code_prefix: "PAK",
failed_to_get_input_file_entry {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed to get input file entry: {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_get_input_file_type {
args: (file: impl Debug, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed to get input file `{file:?}` type: {error}"),
help: None,
invalid_input_file_type {
args: (file: impl Debug, type_: std::fs::FileType),
msg: format!("input file `{file:?}` has invalid type: {type_:?}"),
help: None,
failed_to_create_inputs_directory {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed creating inputs directory {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_read_circuit_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("Cannot read struct file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
failed_to_read_inputs_directory {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed reading inputs directory {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_read_input_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("Cannot read input file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
failed_to_read_snapshot_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("Cannot read snapshot file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
failed_to_read_checksum_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("Cannot read checksum file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
io_error_circuit_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("IO error struct file from the provided file path - {error}"),
help: None,
io_error_checksum_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("IO error checksum file from the provided file path - {error}"),
help: None,
io_error_main_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("IO error main file from the provided file path - {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_remove_circuit_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("failed removing struct file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
failed_to_remove_checksum_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("failed removing checksum file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
failed_to_remove_snapshot_file {
args: (path: impl Debug),
msg: format!("failed removing snapshot file from the provided file path - {path:?}"),
help: None,
io_error_input_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("IO error input file from the provided file path - {error}"),
help: None,
io_error_gitignore_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("IO error gitignore file from the provided file path - {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_create_source_directory {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed creating source directory {error}."),
help: None,
failed_to_get_leo_file_entry {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to get Leo file entry: {error}."),
help: None,
failed_to_get_leo_file_extension {
args: (extension: impl Debug),
msg: format!("Failed to get Leo file extension: {extension:?}."),
help: None,
invalid_leo_file_extension {
args: (file: impl Debug, extension: impl Debug),
msg: format!("Source file `{file:?}` has invalid extension: {extension:?}."),
help: None,
failed_to_initialize_package {
args: (package: impl Display, path: impl Debug, error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to initialize package {package} at {path:?}. Error: {error}"),
help: None,
invalid_package_name {
args: (package: impl Display),
msg: format!("Invalid project name {package}"),
help: None,
directory_not_found {
args: (dirname: impl Display, path: impl Display),
msg: format!("The `{dirname}` does not exist at `{path}`."),
help: None,
failed_to_create_directory {
args: (dirname: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed to create directory `{dirname}`, error: {error}."),
help: None,
failed_to_remove_directory {
args: (dirname: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed to remove directory: {dirname}, error: {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_read_file {
args: (path: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("failed to read file: {path}, error: {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_get_file_name {
args: (),
msg: "Failed to get names of Leo files in the `src/` directory.".to_string(),
help: Some("Check your `src/` directory for invalid file names.".to_string()),
failed_to_set_cwd {
args: (dir: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to set current working directory to `{dir}`. Error: {error}."),
help: None,
failed_to_open_manifest {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to open manifest file: {error}"),
help: Some("Create a package by running `leo new`.".to_string()),
failed_to_read_manifest {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to read manifest file: {error}"),
help: Some("Create a package by running `leo new`.".to_string()),
failed_to_write_manifest {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to write manifest file: {error}"),
help: Some("Create a package by running `leo new`.".to_string()),
failed_to_create_manifest {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to create manifest file: {error}"),
help: Some("Create a package by running `leo new`.".to_string()),
failed_to_open_aleo_file {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to open Aleo file: {error}"),
help: Some("Create a package by running `leo new`.".to_string()),
failed_to_create_aleo_file {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to create Aleo file: {error}."),
help: None,
failed_to_write_aleo_file {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to write aleo file: {error}."),
help: None,
failed_to_remove_aleo_file {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to remove aleo file: {error}."),
help: None,
empty_source_directory {
args: (),
msg: "The `src/` directory is empty.".to_string(),
help: Some("Add a `main.leo` file to the `src/` directory.".to_string()),
source_directory_can_contain_only_one_file {
args: (),
msg: "The `src/` directory can contain only one file and must be named `main.leo`.".to_string(),
help: None,
io_error_env_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("IO error env file from the provided file path - {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_deserialize_manifest_file {
args: (path: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to deserialize `program.json` from the provided file path {path} - {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_serialize_manifest_file {
args: (path: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to update `program.json` from the provided file path {path} - {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_deserialize_lock_file {
args: (error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to deserialize `leo.lock` - {error}"),
help: None,
invalid_lock_file_formatting {
args: (),
msg: "Invalid `leo.lock` formatting.".to_string(),
help: Some("Delete the lock file and rebuild the project".to_string()),
unimplemented_command {
args: (command: impl Display),
msg: format!("The `{command}` command is not implemented."),
help: None,
invalid_file_name_dependency {
args: (name: impl Display),
msg: format!("The dependency program name `{name}` is invalid."),
help: Some("Aleo program names must only contain lower case letters, numbers and underscores.".to_string()),
dependency_not_found {
args: (name: impl Display),
msg: format!("The dependency program `{name}` was not found among the manifest's dependencies."),
help: None,
conflicting_on_chain_program_name {
args: (first: impl Display, second: impl Display),
msg: format!("Conflicting program names given to execute on chain: `{first}` and `{second}`."),
help: Some("Either set `--local` to execute the local program on chain, or set `--program <PROGRAM>`.".to_string()),
missing_on_chain_program_name {
args: (),
msg: "The name of the program to execute on-chain is missing.".to_string(),
help: Some("Either set `--local` to execute the local program on chain, or set `--program <PROGRAM>`.".to_string()),
failed_to_read_manifest_file {
args: (path: impl Display, error: impl ErrorArg),
msg: format!("Failed to read manifest file from the provided file path {path} - {error}"),
help: None,
insufficient_balance {
args: (address: impl Display, balance: impl Display, fee: impl Display),
msg: format!("❌ Your public balance of {balance} for {address} is insufficient to pay the base fee of {fee}"),
help: None,
execution_error {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("❌ Execution error: {error}"),
help: Some("Make sure that you are using the right `--network` options.".to_string()),
snarkvm_error {
args: (error: impl Display),
msg: format!("[snarkVM Error] {error}"),
help: None,
failed_to_load_package {
args: (path: impl Display),
msg: format!("Failed to load leo project at path {path}"),
help: Some("Make sure that the path is correct and that the project exists.".to_string()),