static_analyzer_error.rsuse crate::create_messages;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display};
code_mask: 4000i32,
code_prefix: "SAZ",
no_path_awaits_all_futures_exactly_once {
args: (num_total_paths: impl Display),
msg: format!("Futures must be awaited exactly once. Out of `{num_total_paths}`, there does not exist a single path in which all futures are awaited exactly once."),
help: Some("Ex: for `f: Future` call `f.await()` to await a future. Remove duplicate future await redundancies, and add future awaits for un-awaited futures.".to_string()),
future_awaits_missing {
args: (unawaited: impl Display),
msg: format!("The following futures were never awaited: {unawaited}"),
help: Some("Ex: for `f: Future` call `f.await()` to await a future.".to_string()),
invalid_await_call {
args: (),
msg: "Not a valid await call.".to_string(),
help: Some("Ex: for `f: Future` call `f.await()` or `Future::await(f)` to await a future.".to_string()),
expected_future {
args: (type_: impl Display),
msg: format!("Expected a future, but found `{type_}`"),
help: Some("Only futures can be awaited.".to_string()),
async_transition_call_with_future_argument {
args: (function_name: impl Display),
msg: format!("The call to {function_name} will result in failed executions on-chain."),
help: Some("There is a subtle error that occurs if an async transition call follows a non-async transition call, and the async call returns a `Future` that itself takes a `Future` as an input. See See `https://github.com/AleoNet/snarkVM/issues/2570` for more context.".to_string()),
misplaced_future {
args: (),
msg: "A future may not be used in this way".to_string(),
help: Some("Futures should be created, assigned to a variable, and consumed without being moved or reassigned.".to_string()),
compile_time_unary_op {
args: (value: impl Display, op: impl Display, err: impl Display),
msg: format!("Unary operation `{value}.{op}()` failed at compile time: {err}."),
help: None,
compile_time_binary_op {
args: (value_lhs: impl Display, value_rhs: impl Display, op: impl Display, err: impl Display),
msg: format!("Binary operation `{value_lhs} {op} {value_rhs}` failed at compile time: {err}."),
help: None,
compile_time_cast {
args: (value: impl Display, type_: impl Display),
msg: format!("Compile time cast failure: `{value} as {type_}`."),
help: None,
compile_core_function {
args: (err: impl Display),
msg: format!("Error during compile time evaluation of this core function: {err}."),
help: None,
array_bounds {
args: (index: impl Display, len: impl Display),
msg: format!("Array index {index} out of bounds (array length is {len})."),
help: None,