use crate::cli::{commands::*, context::*, helpers::*};
use clap::Parser;
use leo_errors::Result;
use std::{path::PathBuf, process::exit};
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(name = "leo", author = "The Leo Team <>", version)]
pub struct CLI {
#[clap(short, global = true, help = "Print additional information for debugging")]
debug: bool,
#[clap(short, global = true, help = "Suppress CLI output")]
quiet: bool,
command: Commands,
#[clap(long, global = true, help = "Path to Leo program root folder")]
path: Option<PathBuf>,
#[clap(long, global = true, help = "Path to aleo program registry")]
pub home: Option<PathBuf>,
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
enum Commands {
#[clap(about = "Create a new Aleo account, sign and verify messages")]
Account {
command: Account,
#[clap(about = "Create a new Leo package in a new directory")]
New {
command: LeoNew,
#[clap(about = "Create a new Leo example package in a new directory")]
Example {
command: LeoExample,
#[clap(about = "Run a program with input variables")]
Run {
command: LeoRun,
#[clap(about = "Execute a program with input variables")]
Execute {
command: LeoExecute,
#[clap(about = "Deploy a program")]
Deploy {
command: Deploy,
#[clap(about = "Query live data from the Aleo network")]
Query {
command: LeoQuery,
#[clap(about = "Compile the current package as a program")]
Build {
command: LeoBuild,
#[clap(about = "Debug the current package via the interpreter")]
Debug {
command: LeoDebug,
#[clap(about = "Add a new on-chain or local dependency to the current package.")]
Add {
command: LeoAdd,
#[clap(about = "Remove a dependency from the current package.")]
Remove {
command: LeoRemove,
#[clap(about = "Clean the output directory")]
Clean {
command: LeoClean,
#[clap(about = "Update the Leo CLI")]
Update {
command: LeoUpdate,
pub fn handle_error<T>(res: Result<T>) -> T {
match res {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(err) => {
pub fn run_with_args(cli: CLI) -> Result<()> {
if !cli.quiet {
logger::init_logger("leo", match cli.debug {
false => 1,
true => 2,
if let Ok(true) = updater::Updater::check_for_updates(false) {
let _ = updater::Updater::print_cli();
let context = handle_error(Context::new(cli.path, cli.home, false));
match cli.command {
Commands::Add { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Account { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::New { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Build { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Debug { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Query { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Clean { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Deploy { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Example { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Run { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Execute { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Remove { command } => command.try_execute(context),
Commands::Update { command } => command.try_execute(context),
mod tests {
use crate::cli::{
cli::{Commands, test_helpers},
use leo_span::symbol::create_session_if_not_set_then;
use serial_test::serial;
use std::env::temp_dir;
fn nested_network_dependency_run_test() {
let temp_dir = temp_dir();
let project_directory = temp_dir.join("nested");
let run = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Run {
command: crate::cli::commands::LeoRun {
name: "example".to_string(),
inputs: vec!["1u32".to_string(), "2u32".to_string()],
file: None,
compiler_options: Default::default(),
path: Some(project_directory.clone()),
home: Some(temp_dir.join(".aleo")),
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
run_with_args(run).expect("Failed to execute `leo run`");
fn nested_local_dependency_run_test() {
let temp_dir = temp_dir();
let project_name = "grandparent";
let project_directory = temp_dir.join(project_name);
if project_directory.exists() {
let run = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Run {
command: crate::cli::commands::LeoRun {
name: "double_wrapper_mint".to_string(),
inputs: vec![
file: None,
compiler_options: Default::default(),
path: Some(project_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
run_with_args(run).expect("Failed to execute `leo run`");
fn relaxed_shadowing_run_test() {
let temp_dir = temp_dir();
let project_name = "outer";
let project_directory = temp_dir.join(project_name);
if project_directory.exists() {
let run = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Run {
command: crate::cli::commands::LeoRun {
name: "inner_1_main".to_string(),
inputs: vec!["1u32".to_string(), "2u32".to_string()],
compiler_options: Default::default(),
file: None,
path: Some(project_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
run_with_args(run).expect("Failed to execute `leo run`");
fn relaxed_struct_shadowing_run_test() {
let temp_dir = temp_dir();
let project_name = "outer_2";
let project_directory = temp_dir.join(project_name);
if project_directory.exists() {
let run = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Run {
command: crate::cli::commands::LeoRun {
name: "main".to_string(),
inputs: vec!["1u32".to_string(), "2u32".to_string()],
compiler_options: Default::default(),
file: None,
path: Some(project_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
run_with_args(run).expect("Failed to execute `leo run`");
mod test_helpers {
use crate::cli::{CLI, LeoAdd, LeoNew, cli::Commands, run_with_args};
use leo_span::symbol::create_session_if_not_set_then;
use std::path::Path;
const NETWORK: &str = "mainnet";
const ENDPOINT: &str = "";
pub(crate) fn sample_nested_package(temp_dir: &Path) {
let name = "nested";
let project_directory = temp_dir.join(name);
if project_directory.exists() {
let new = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: name.to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(project_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
run_with_args(new).expect("Failed to execute `leo run`");
let program_str = "
import nested_example_layer_0.aleo;
program nested.aleo {
transition example(public a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
let c: u32 = nested_example_layer_0.aleo/main(a, b);
return c;
let nested_example_layer_0 = "
import nested_example_layer_2.aleo;
import nested_example_layer_1.aleo;
program nested_example_layer_0.aleo;
function main:
input r0 as u32.public;
input r1 as u32.private;
call nested_example_layer_1.aleo/external_function r0 r1 into r2;
output r2 as u32.private;
let nested_example_layer_1 = "
import nested_example_layer_2.aleo;
program nested_example_layer_1.aleo;
function external_function:
input r0 as u32.public;
input r1 as u32.private;
call nested_example_layer_2.aleo/external_nested_function r0 r1 into r2;
output r2 as u32.private;
let nested_example_layer_2 = "
program nested_example_layer_2.aleo;
function external_nested_function:
input r0 as u32.public;
input r1 as u32.private;
add r0 r1 into r2;
output r2 as u32.private;
std::fs::write(project_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), program_str).unwrap();
let add = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "nested_example_layer_0".to_string(),
local: None,
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(project_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
run_with_args(add).expect("Failed to execute `leo add`");
let registry = temp_dir.join(".aleo").join("registry").join("mainnet");
std::fs::write(registry.join("nested_example_layer_0.aleo"), nested_example_layer_0).unwrap();
std::fs::write(registry.join("nested_example_layer_1.aleo"), nested_example_layer_1).unwrap();
std::fs::write(registry.join("nested_example_layer_2.aleo"), nested_example_layer_2).unwrap();
pub(crate) fn sample_grandparent_package(temp_dir: &Path) {
let grandparent_directory = temp_dir.join("grandparent");
let parent_directory = grandparent_directory.join("parent");
let child_directory = parent_directory.join("child");
if grandparent_directory.exists() {
let create_grandparent_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "grandparent".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(grandparent_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let create_parent_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "parent".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(parent_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let create_child_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "child".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(child_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let grandparent_program = "
import child.aleo;
import parent.aleo;
program grandparent.aleo {
transition double_wrapper_mint(owner: address, val: u32) -> child.aleo/A {
return parent.aleo/wrapper_mint(owner, val);
let parent_program = "
import child.aleo;
program parent.aleo {
transition wrapper_mint(owner: address, val: u32) -> child.aleo/A {
return child.aleo/mint(owner, val);
let child_program = "
// The 'a' program.
program child.aleo {
record A {
owner: address,
val: u32,
transition mint(owner: address, val: u32) -> A {
return A {owner: owner, val: val};
let add_grandparent_dependency_1 = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "parent".to_string(),
local: Some(parent_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(grandparent_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let add_grandparent_dependency_2 = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "child".to_string(),
local: Some(child_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(grandparent_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let add_parent_dependency = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "child".to_string(),
local: Some(child_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(parent_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
std::fs::write(grandparent_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), grandparent_program).unwrap();
std::fs::write(parent_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), parent_program).unwrap();
std::fs::write(child_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), child_program).unwrap();
pub(crate) fn sample_shadowing_package(temp_dir: &Path) {
let outer_directory = temp_dir.join("outer");
let inner_1_directory = outer_directory.join("inner_1");
let inner_2_directory = outer_directory.join("inner_2");
if outer_directory.exists() {
let create_outer_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "outer".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(outer_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let create_inner_1_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "inner_1".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(inner_1_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let create_inner_2_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "inner_2".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(inner_2_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let outer_program = "import inner_1.aleo;
import inner_2.aleo;
program outer.aleo {
struct ex_struct {
arg1: u32,
arg2: u32,
record inner_1_record {
owner: address,
arg1: u32,
arg2: u32,
arg3: u32,
transition inner_1_main(public a: u32, b: u32) -> (inner_1.aleo/inner_1_record, inner_2.aleo/inner_1_record, inner_1_record) {
let c: ex_struct = ex_struct {arg1: 1u32, arg2: 1u32};
let rec_1:inner_1.aleo/inner_1_record = inner_1.aleo/inner_1_main(1u32,1u32, c);
let rec_2:inner_2.aleo/inner_1_record = inner_2.aleo/inner_1_main(1u32,1u32);
return (rec_1, rec_2, inner_1_record {owner: aleo14tnetva3xfvemqyg5ujzvr0qfcaxdanmgjx2wsuh2xrpvc03uc9s623ps7, arg1: 1u32, arg2: 1u32, arg3: 1u32});
let inner_1_program = "program inner_1.aleo {
mapping inner_1_mapping: u32 => u32;
record inner_1_record {
owner: address,
val: u32,
struct ex_struct {
arg1: u32,
arg2: u32,
transition inner_1_main(public a: u32, b: u32, c: ex_struct) -> inner_1_record {
return inner_1_record {
owner: self.caller,
val: c.arg1,
let inner_2_program = "program inner_2.aleo {
mapping inner_2_mapping: u32 => u32;
record inner_1_record {
owner: address,
val: u32,
transition inner_1_main(public a: u32, b: u32) -> inner_1_record {
let c: u32 = a + b;
return inner_1_record {
owner: self.caller,
val: a,
let add_outer_dependency_1 = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "inner_1".to_string(),
local: Some(inner_1_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(outer_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let add_outer_dependency_2 = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "inner_2".to_string(),
local: Some(inner_2_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(outer_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
std::fs::write(outer_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), outer_program).unwrap();
std::fs::write(inner_1_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), inner_1_program).unwrap();
std::fs::write(inner_2_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), inner_2_program).unwrap();
pub(crate) fn sample_struct_shadowing_package(temp_dir: &Path) {
let outer_directory = temp_dir.join("outer_2");
let inner_1_directory = outer_directory.join("inner_1");
let inner_2_directory = outer_directory.join("inner_2");
if outer_directory.exists() {
let create_outer_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "outer_2".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(outer_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let create_inner_1_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "inner_1".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(inner_1_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let create_inner_2_project = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::New {
command: LeoNew {
name: "inner_2".to_string(),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
endpoint: ENDPOINT.to_string(),
path: Some(inner_2_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let outer_program = "
import inner_1.aleo;
import inner_2.aleo;
program outer_2.aleo {
struct Foo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
c: Boo,
struct Boo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
struct Goo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
c: u32,
record Hello {
owner: address,
a: u32,
transition main(public a: u32, b: u32) -> (inner_2.aleo/Yoo, Hello) {
let d: Foo = inner_1.aleo/main(1u32,1u32);
let e: u32 = inner_1.aleo/main_2(Foo {a: a, b: b, c: Boo {a:1u32, b:1u32}});
let f: Boo = Boo {a:1u32, b:1u32};
let g: Foo = inner_2.aleo/main(1u32, 1u32);
let h: inner_2.aleo/Yoo = inner_2.aleo/Yo();
let i: Goo = inner_2.aleo/Goo_creator();
let j: Hello = Hello {owner: self.signer, a:1u32};
return (h, j);
let inner_1_program = "program inner_1.aleo {
struct Foo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
c: Boo,
struct Boo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
transition main(public a: u32, b: u32) -> Foo {
return Foo {a: a, b: b, c: Boo {a:1u32, b:1u32}};
transition main_2(a:Foo)->u32{
return a.a;
let inner_2_program = "program inner_2.aleo {
struct Foo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
c: Boo,
struct Boo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
record Yoo {
owner: address,
a: u32,
struct Goo {
a: u32,
b: u32,
c: u32,
transition main(public a: u32, b: u32) -> Foo {
return Foo {a: a, b: b, c: Boo {a:1u32, b:1u32}};
transition Yo()-> Yoo {
return Yoo {owner: self.signer, a:1u32};
transition Yo_Consumer(a: Yoo)->u32 {
return a.a;
transition Goo_creator() -> Goo {
return Goo {a:100u32, b:1u32, c:1u32};
let add_outer_dependency_1 = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "inner_1".to_string(),
local: Some(inner_1_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(outer_directory.clone()),
home: None,
let add_outer_dependency_2 = CLI {
debug: false,
quiet: false,
command: Commands::Add {
command: LeoAdd {
name: "inner_2".to_string(),
local: Some(inner_2_directory.clone()),
network: NETWORK.to_string(),
clear: false,
path: Some(outer_directory.clone()),
home: None,
create_session_if_not_set_then(|_| {
std::fs::write(outer_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), outer_program).unwrap();
std::fs::write(inner_1_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), inner_1_program).unwrap();
std::fs::write(inner_2_directory.join("src").join("main.leo"), inner_2_program).unwrap();