mod.rsuse leo_ast::{Composite, Expression, Function, Location, NodeID, Type};
use leo_errors::{AstError, Result};
use leo_span::{Span, Symbol};
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use std::{cell::RefCell, collections::HashMap, rc::Rc};
mod symbols;
pub use symbols::*;
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct SymbolTable {
functions: IndexMap<Location, FunctionSymbol>,
records: IndexMap<Location, Composite>,
structs: IndexMap<Symbol, Composite>,
global_consts: IndexMap<Location, Expression>,
globals: IndexMap<Location, VariableSymbol>,
all_locals: HashMap<NodeID, LocalTable>,
local: Option<LocalTable>,
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
struct LocalTable {
inner: Rc<RefCell<LocalTableInner>>,
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
struct LocalTableInner {
id: NodeID,
parent: Option<NodeID>,
consts: HashMap<Symbol, Expression>,
variables: HashMap<Symbol, VariableSymbol>,
impl LocalTable {
fn new(id: NodeID, parent: Option<NodeID>) -> Self {
LocalTable {
inner: Rc::new(RefCell::new(LocalTableInner {
consts: HashMap::new(),
variables: HashMap::new(),
fn dup(&self, new_id: NodeID) -> Self {
let mut inner = self.inner.borrow().clone();
inner.id = new_id;
LocalTable { inner: Rc::new(RefCell::new(inner)) }
impl SymbolTable {
pub fn iter_structs(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Symbol, &Composite)> {
self.structs.iter().map(|(name, comp)| (*name, comp))
pub fn iter_records(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Location, &Composite)> {
self.records.iter().map(|(loc, comp)| (*loc, comp))
pub fn iter_functions(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Location, &FunctionSymbol)> {
self.functions.iter().map(|(loc, func_symbol)| (*loc, func_symbol))
pub fn lookup_struct(&self, name: Symbol) -> Option<&Composite> {
pub fn lookup_record(&self, location: Location) -> Option<&Composite> {
pub fn lookup_function(&self, location: Location) -> Option<&FunctionSymbol> {
pub fn lookup_variable(&self, program: Symbol, name: Symbol) -> Option<VariableSymbol> {
let mut current = self.local.as_ref();
while let Some(table) = current {
let borrowed = table.inner.borrow();
let value = borrowed.variables.get(&name);
if value.is_some() {
return value.cloned();
current = borrowed.parent.and_then(|id| self.all_locals.get(&id));
self.globals.get(&Location::new(program, name)).cloned()
pub fn enter_scope(&mut self, id: Option<NodeID>) {
self.local = id.map(|id| {
let parent = self.local.as_ref().map(|table| table.inner.borrow().id);
let new_local_table = self.all_locals.entry(id).or_insert_with(|| LocalTable::new(id, parent));
assert_eq!(parent, new_local_table.inner.borrow().parent, "Entered scopes out of order.");
pub fn enter_scope_duped(&mut self, new_id: NodeID, old_id: NodeID) {
let old_local_table = self.all_locals.get(&old_id).expect("Must have an old scope to dup from.");
let new_local_table = old_local_table.dup(new_id);
let parent = self.local.as_ref().map(|table| table.inner.borrow().id);
new_local_table.inner.borrow_mut().parent = parent;
self.all_locals.insert(new_id, new_local_table.clone());
self.local = Some(new_local_table);
pub fn enter_parent(&mut self) {
let parent: Option<NodeID> = self.local.as_ref().and_then(|table| table.inner.borrow().parent);
self.local = parent.map(|id| self.all_locals.get(&id).expect("Parent should exist.")).cloned();
pub fn insert_const(&mut self, program: Symbol, name: Symbol, value: Expression) {
if let Some(table) = self.local.as_mut() {
table.inner.borrow_mut().consts.insert(name, value);
} else {
self.global_consts.insert(Location::new(program, name), value);
pub fn lookup_const(&self, program: Symbol, name: Symbol) -> Option<Expression> {
let mut current = self.local.as_ref();
while let Some(table) = current {
let borrowed = table.inner.borrow();
let value = borrowed.consts.get(&name);
if value.is_some() {
return value.cloned();
current = borrowed.parent.and_then(|id| self.all_locals.get(&id));
self.global_consts.get(&Location::new(program, name)).cloned()
pub fn insert_struct(&mut self, program: Symbol, name: Symbol, composite: Composite) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(old_composite) = self.structs.get(&name) {
if eq_struct(&composite, old_composite) {
} else {
Err(AstError::redefining_external_struct(name, composite.span).into())
} else {
let location = Location::new(program, name);
self.check_shadow_global(location, composite.span)?;
self.structs.insert(name, composite);
pub fn insert_record(&mut self, location: Location, composite: Composite) -> Result<()> {
self.check_shadow_global(location, composite.span)?;
self.records.insert(location, composite);
pub fn insert_function(&mut self, location: Location, function: Function) -> Result<()> {
self.check_shadow_global(location, function.span)?;
self.functions.insert(location, FunctionSymbol { function, finalizer: None });
pub fn insert_global(&mut self, location: Location, var: VariableSymbol) -> Result<()> {
self.check_shadow_global(location, var.span)?;
self.globals.insert(location, var);
pub fn lookup_global(&self, location: Location) -> Option<&VariableSymbol> {
fn check_shadow_global(&self, location: Location, span: Span) -> Result<()> {
if self.functions.contains_key(&location) {
Err(AstError::shadowed_function(location.name, span).into())
} else if self.records.contains_key(&location) {
Err(AstError::shadowed_record(location.name, span).into())
} else if self.structs.contains_key(&location.name) {
Err(AstError::shadowed_struct(location.name, span).into())
} else if self.globals.contains_key(&location) {
Err(AstError::shadowed_variable(location.name, span).into())
} else {
fn check_shadow_variable(&self, program: Symbol, name: Symbol, span: Span) -> Result<()> {
let mut current = self.local.as_ref();
while let Some(table) = current {
if table.inner.borrow().variables.contains_key(&name) {
return Err(AstError::shadowed_variable(name, span).into());
current = table.inner.borrow().parent.map(|id| self.all_locals.get(&id).expect("Parent should exist."));
self.check_shadow_global(Location::new(program, name), span)?;
pub fn insert_variable(&mut self, program: Symbol, name: Symbol, var: VariableSymbol) -> Result<()> {
self.check_shadow_variable(program, name, var.span)?;
if let Some(table) = self.local.as_mut() {
table.inner.borrow_mut().variables.insert(name, var);
} else {
self.globals.insert(Location::new(program, name), var);
pub fn attach_finalizer(
&mut self,
caller: Location,
callee: Location,
future_inputs: Vec<Location>,
inferred_inputs: Vec<Type>,
) -> Result<()> {
let callee_location = Location::new(callee.program, callee.name);
if let Some(func) = self.functions.get_mut(&caller) {
func.finalizer = Some(Finalizer { location: callee_location, future_inputs, inferred_inputs });
} else {
fn eq_struct(new: &Composite, old: &Composite) -> bool {
if new.members.len() != old.members.len() {
return false;
.all(|(member1, member2)| member1.name() == member2.name() && member1.type_.eq_flat_relaxed(&member2.type_))